Lacey bags price Small make up to tell you Package maintenance method
Nursing care most of the time, bags become dirty, discoloration, or worn, and is not due to use of time is too long, likely is only we didnt pay attention in the use process and cause.Who love package must have some experience and lessons in this respect, know when using bags at ordinary times should pay attention to what problem.
1. If the hand easy to sweat, it is better to use arm bag or shoulder bag, and less with the hand bag, otherwise the sweat stains easily in the luggage handle.
2. Store sharp items in the bag, must be fully packaged put the sharp items.While those with cut, broken bags of goods had better not put in baby bags.Dont hard plug or put overweight goods, or you will make the bags deformation or damage.
3. The switch box lock parts, dont be in with foreign body lock, that this might damage the bag of hardware.
4. Do not paste labels or adhesive tape on the bag, so it is easy to cause peeling skin when tear off.
5. As far as possible when using handbags package for handbag frequent friction to avoid denim fabric clothes, because it is easy to occur the phenomenon of dyeing.
6. Rain and snow, try to avoid using fur, USES, such as suede leather bags, because once the area with water will be hard to do, and leather will harden.
7. Long time direct light and heat, can make the bags decoloring, discoloration, and deformation.Should avoid contact bags with sunlight, heating for a long time.